The beginning of school life is a big step in the lives of children.

The stage of initiation and discovery
During this first stage, boys and girls develop their own identity through acceptance and trust, adapting to the group and learning to share, communicate, respect, enjoy, etc.
Early childhood education (EI) must be developed through personal attention and play to stimulate early learning.
We understand Early Childhood Education as a stage that must be developed in a space designed and organized to make it a happy experience, a place of relationships between children, families and educators.
A space in which it is possible to be a person, learning to share, exchange, accompany, learn, respect, tolerate, communicate, love, enjoy, show solidarity...

We stimulate the various areas of learning, adapting to the needs of each child to offer personalised educational and personal development.
We promote the children's' participation in workshops and assemblies, educating them on responsibility and teamwork so that they can learn to be organised and autonomous. We develop communication through multilingual learning as of the first cycle. We guide each child in the process of initiating a religious awakening, enhancing their intrapersonal, interpersonal and spiritual intelligence.
Our patio is another classroom in the school.
Teaching team
We carry out our work in an innovative way, with professionals in continuous training and reflection, to offer a high standard of education that adapts to the needs of each person.
Our team includes specialists in English, music, psychomotor skills, plastic arts, infant massage, Emmi Pikler pedagogy, art, etc.
We have:
- 10 tutors in the first cycle + assistants.
- 15 tutors in the second cycle + 3 specialists in English in the second cycle.
We also have an orientation department and a Youth Ministry team.

Structure and Facilities
First Cycle:
- 5 evolutionary classrooms for 0-1-year-olds.
- 5 classrooms for 2-year-olds
Second Cycle:
- 5 classrooms for 3rd grade EI.
- 5 classrooms for 4th grade EI.
- 5 classrooms for 5th grade EI.
We want to create a climate of coexistence that assists the children in learning and adapting to school life. All this in a space designed and organized to make happy experiences possible, a place of harmony between children, families and educators.

Throughout this stage, we lay the foundations for our students to reach the end of their compulsory schooling with a good level in Basque, Spanish and English. In both model B and D, we work on a progressive total immersion in Basque.
Timetable and calendar
- Entry: from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
- Departure:
- Reduced working hours (max. 5 hours): from 12:30 to 13:30
- Full day (max. 8 hours): from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. or from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
School timetable: from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Haur-txoko: Paid service from 7:30 to 9:00.
Family school
We offer a family school to maintain an open communication channel aimed at the parents of the children. We give families the possibility to participate in the centre and in the school life of their children, as well as to efficiently expand the acquisition of new resources through this channel, adding value in the form of knowledge, information and useful guidance for the education of all our students. For this purpose, we organize workshops and meetings related to the 8 lines of educational development with the objecting of offering a comprehensive education.